
We maintain the highest ethical standards in all we do - Even when no one is watching.


We are not bound by conventional wisdom - We harness our intellectual curiosity to spawn creative ideas and remove barriers.


We take ownership for the quality of our work - Embracing and honoring our commitment is at the core of our DNA.

Servant Leadership

The spirit of Milestone Partners is to embrace and serve both client and candidate, empowering both.


From data analytics professionals to C-suite executives, Milestone Partners (MPI) knows that you need the candidate with the right knowledge and cultural fit for your team.  We know that your employees are the lifeblood of your organization.  Small disruptions in the supply chain can equate to a significant financial impact for both small and large transportation and logistics companies.  That’s why MPI is the right search firm for you and your team.  We will help you minimize those potential disruptions through our comprehensive search strategy so that you can keep that laser focus on your day-to-day tasks.